What is NaturalShrimp Incorporated's stock symbol?

Our stock is traded on the OTCQB under the symbol SHMP.

When was NaturalShrimp Incorporated incorporated?

July 3, 2008

Where is NaturalShrimp Incorporated located?

13601 Preston Rd.
Dallas, TX 75240

When is NaturalShrimp Incorporated's fiscal year end?

March 31st

Who is NaturalShrimp Incorporated's transfer agent?

Transhare Corporation
2849 Executive Drive
Suite 200
Clearwater, FL 33762
T: 303-662-1112

Who is NaturalShrimp Incorporated's independent auditor?

Turner, Stone & Company, L.L.P.
12700 Park Central Drive
Suite 1400
Dallas, TX 75251
T: 877-853-4195

Who is NaturalShrimp Incorporated's outside legal counsel?

Lucosky Brookman LLP
101 Wood Avenue South
Woodbridge, NJ 08830
T: 732-395-4400